Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Better Late Than never Bvf report

It Rained boy did it rain as you can see fun was had by all even even Mr Potato Head paid a visit

Judged on Sunday the number One car for the day was this nice Mk1 Golf Sweet although the Derby should have one but I was slightly hampered by Mr Potato Head and his friend with mild learning difficulties Mr Rat who tampered with the marks.

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KauwaBeachClub, tikiville
Right fother muckers this is one of 2 ongoing blogs. Firstly "KauwaBeachClub" my original blog which is about Tiki, car and bikes and well "lifestyle" whatever that means!! If your reading this and thinking WTF then your looking at JapRod the second blog which is about Japenese american influnced cars and its a bit slow on there sorry!